Division of Biology and Medicine
Biology Undergraduate Education

Course Offerings

From Antibiotics to Zoology, a comprehensive look at all the course offerings in the biology program.

Biology Course Offerings

*FYS (First-Year Seminar); SOPH (Sophomore Seminar); LAB (Lab or Field Trip Course); WRIT (designated-course offering considered to fulfill the writing requirement); CONF (discussion group in addition to primary course section); DIV (content addresses issues of diversity including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, inequality, and other related areas of inquiry as relevant to topics and careers in the biological sciences); COEX (engages students in addressing a research question or knowledge gap of interest to scholarly communities).

Courses that are unavailable in the current academic year but offered in alternate years have been italicized and noted. 

0800Principles of PhysiologySmith, AndreaLABOnline
1455Planetary Health: Global Environmental Change and Emerging Infectious DiseaseSmith, Katherine Online
1855Tropical Medicine & Neglected Tropical DiseasesMartin, Kyle Online
BIOL XLIST: NEUR 1530Communication In the Brain: What We Know and How We Know ItO'Connor-Giles, Kate  
0170Biotechnology in MedicineAchilli, Toni Marie CONF 
0190FFoundations: Darwinian Medicine  Tatar, MarcFYS/DIV 
0190PPride & Prejudice in the Development of Scientific TheoriesHelfand, StephenFYS 
0190RFoundations: Phage Hunters, Part ITaylor, SarahFYS/LAB/COEX 
0200The Foundations of Living SystemsHolmes, Will/Stein, JohnLAB/DIV 
0210Diversity of LifeKellner, James/Taylor, SarahDIV 
0220Discovering Novel Protein Folding Phenotypes of Wild YeastHolmes, WillCOEX/LAB 
0380The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious DiseaseWeissman, MayaCONF 
0410Invertebrate ZoologyEwanchuk, PatrickLAB/DIV 
0470Genetics Johnson, Mark/Larschan, Erica/Reenan, Robert/Hall, JodyLABS02-Hybrid
0480Evolutionary BiologyRand, DavidCONF/DIVS02-Online
0530Principles of ImmunologyDugan, AislingCONF 
0940A Viral Epidemics Atwood, WalterSOPH SEM/WRIT 
0946Research Design + Quantitative Methods for the Health SciencesMonteiro, Kristina **Inactive Fall 2024
0960Independent Study in Science WritingFaculty Advisors  
0940DRhode Island Flora: Understanding and Documenting Local Plant DiversityKartzinel, RebeccaSOPH SEM/LAB 
1050, 2050Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell  (Grad students register for 2050)Toth, ChuckCONF 
1070 Biotechnology and Global HealthSchell, Jacquelyn  
1090Polymer Science for BiomaterialsMathiowitz, EdithLAB*Offered every other year **Inactive Fall 2024
1100Cell Physiology and BiophysicsZimmerman, Anita/ Horrigan, Diana *No longer offered in Spring
1110, 2220Signal TransductionOancea, Elena  
1140Tissue EngineeringHoffman-Kim, Diane DIV 
1160Principles of Exercise PhysiologySmith, Andrea DIV 
1222A/2222BCurrent Topics in Functional GenomicsLarschan, Erica/Silva-Garcia, Carolos Giovanni *Also offered Spring 2025 with Dr. Fairbrother
1260, 2260Physiological Pharmacology (Grad students register for 2260)Marshall, John S02-Online
1270, 2270Advanced Biochemistry (Grad students register for 2270)Salomon, Arthur/Alfonzo, Juan  
1290Cancer BiologyZhitkovich, Anatoly  
1300, 2300Biomolecular Interactions (Grad students register for 2300)Fawzi, NicolasWRITOffered every other year
1310, 2310Developmental Biology (Grad students register for 2310)Wharton, KristiLAB (undergrad level only) 
1470Conservation BiologySax, Dov  
1515, 2015Conservation in the Genomics AgeKartzinel, TylerLAB/COEX/WRITOffered every other year
1520Innate ImmunityBrossay, Laurent **Inactive Fall 2024
1560, 2560Virology (Grad students register for 2560 Advanced Virology)Jamieson, Amanda  
1565Survey of Biomedical InformaticsSarker, Neil  
1575, 2075Evaluation of Health Information SystemsFraser, HamishWRIT 
1630/NEUR 1630Big Data Neuroscience LabFleischmann, AlexanderLAB 
1650/NEUR 1650Structure of the Nervous SystemBerson, DavidLAB 
1945Outbreaks and Infections: Harnessing History and Preventing Future EpidemicsDugan, Aisling  
1950Directed Research/Independent Study - See ResearchFaculty AdvisorsLAB 
1970AStem Cell BiologyFreiman, Richard **Inactive Fall 2024
2010AIntroduction to Molecular Research in the Life SciencesAccornero, Federica  
2020Biotechnology Science and IndustryHuang, Eric  
2024Gene and RNA Theraputic DevelopmentSimon, Kailene  
2030Foundations for Advanced Study in the Life SciencesDeLong, Alison/Lisi, George  
2089Biotechnology IPHolmander, Daniel  
2110Drug and Gene DeliveryMathiowitz, Edith Offered every other year
2150Scientific CommunicationS01: Valdez, Gregorio/Reenan, Robert; S02: Ramachandran, Sohini  
2180Experiential Learning Industry (ELI)Schell, Jacquelyn  
2230Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology SeminarHoffman-Kim, Diane  
2250Survey of Modern TherapeuticsHorrigan, Diana  
2430 Topics in EEBFuxjager, Matthew DIV 
2860Molecular Mechanisms of Human DiseaseBartnikas, Thomas DIV 
0940GAntibiotic Drug Discovery: Identifying Novel Soil Microbes to Combat Antibiotic ResistanceAchilli, Toni-MarieCOEX/LABHybrid
1000Quality Improvement Science and ApplicationMonteiro, Kristina Online
1445Medicine in Austere SettingsMartin, Kyle Denison Online
1455Planetary Health: Global Environmental Change and Emerging Infectious DiseaseSmith, Katherine Online
BIOL XLIST: ENVS 0490Environmental Science in a Changing WorldKartzinel, Tyler  
0080Biotechnology ManagementBready, Barrett  
0100Living Biology at Brown & BeyondMonteiro, Kristina/Hall, JodyFYS/DIV/LAB 
0190SFoundations: Phage Hunters, Part IIZhou, YangFYS/LAB/COEX 
0280BiochemistryHolmes, Will/Lis, George/Salomon, ArthurCONF 
0285Inquiry in Biochemistry: From Gene to Protein FunctionSmith, AndreaLAB/CONF/COEX/WRIT 
0420Principles of EcologyWitman, JonCONF 
0430Evolution of Plant DiversityKartzinel, RebeccaLAB*L03 - Online
0440Inquiry in Plant Biology: Analysis of Plant Growth, Reproduction and Adaptive ResponsesDelong, Alison/Johnson, MarkLABOffered every other year
0450Evolutionary Behavioral EcologyCaves, Eleanor *Offered every other year
0495Statistical Analysis of Biological DataRamachandran, SohiniCONF 
0500Cell and Molecular BiologyValdez, Gregorio/Silva-Garcia, Carlos Giovanni/Lizarraga, Sofia  
0510Introductory MicrobiologyDugan, AislingLAB 
0610Modeling Human Disease Using Stem CellsToth, ChuckCOEX/LAB 
0620Fermentation to publication: Experimental food microbiologyBelenky, PeterCOEX/LAB 
0800Principles of PhysiologyStein, John/Smith, AndreaLAB 
0960Independent Study in Science WritingFaculty Advisors  
1040, 2040Ultrastructure/BioimagingWilliams, GeoffreyLAB 
1150Stem Cell EngineeringDarling, EricLAB/WRIT 
1155Hormones and BehaviorFuxjager, Matt *Offered every other year **Inactive Spring 2025
1222A/2222BCurrent Topics in Functional GenomicsFairbrother, William  
1250Host-microbiome Interactions in Health and DiseaseVaishnava, ShipraDIV 
1295Fundamentals of Cancer ImmunotherapyLawler, Sean  
1330Biology of ReproductionWessel, GaryDIV 
1435Computational Methods for Studying Demographic History with Molecular DataHuerta-Sanchez, Emilia  
1525Pathogenomics: Analysis, interpretation and applications of microbial genomesCuomo, ChristinaCONF 
1530Emergency Medical Systems: An Anatomy of Critical PerformanceBecker, Bruce/Karim, Naz  
1540, 2540Molecular Genetics (Grad students register for 2540)Huang, Yu-Wen Alvin  
1545, 2545Human Genetics and Genomics (Grad students register for 2545)Morrow, Eric  
1550Parasitism: Biology and DiseasedeGraffenried, Chris **Inactive Spring 2025
1555Methods in Biomedical InformaticsSarker, Neil/Chen, ElizabethCOEX 
1580Metabolism Across Biological Scales: Integrative Physiology and PathobiologyChellappa, Karthikeyani  
1600Development of Vaccines to Infectious DiseasesBeura, Lalit **Inactive Spring 2025
BIOL 1610/NEUR 1600Experimental NeurobiologyStein, JohnLAB 
181021st Century Applications in Cell and Molecular BiologyDawson, MichelleWRIT 
1820Environmental Health and DiseasePlavicki, Jessica  
1865, 2865Toxicology (Grad students register for 2865)Spade, Daniel S02-Online
**Inactive Spring 2025
1885Human Anatomy and BiomechanicsSwartz, Sharon/Brainerd, BethLAB 
1960Directed Research/Independent Study - See ResearchFaculty Advisors  
2000CMolecular Recognition and Signaling in Self and Non-self InteractionsDelong, Alison/Johnson, Mark *Offered every other year **Inactive Spring 2025
2010BIntroduction to Data Science in Molecular BiologyNeretti, Nicola S01 & S02 will meet on alternate weeks
2018Management Strategies in BiotechnologyJong, Yong  
2025Foundations in Statistics for Biology and MedicineColt, Susannah  
2078Regulatory Affairs in Pharma, Med Device and Digital HealthDiNardo, Robin  
2135Pharmacokinetics and Drug DesignChristian, Donald  
2145Molecular Targets of Drug DiscoveryHorrigan, Diana  
2167In Vitro Models for DiseaseSchell, Jacquelyn  
2170Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology Horrigan, Diana  
2180Experiential Learning Industry (ELI)Schell, Jacquelyn  
2240Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology SeminarMorgan, Jeffrey/Mathiowitz, Edith  
2350The Biology of AgingTatar, Marc DIV 
2440Topics in Ecology, Evolution and Organismal BiologyFuxjager, Matthew/Eleanor, Caves  
2528Innovation and Commercialization in Medical Devices, Diagnostics, and WearablesAnaloui, Mostafa  

Prior Course Offerings