Curricular Resources
The Office of Biology Education aims to ensure all faculty have the tools to evaluate their courses while creating a more transparent, clear, and inclusive learning experience for all students.
Curricular Resources
The Office of Biology Education aims to ensure all faculty have the tools to evaluate their courses while creating a more transparent, clear, and inclusive learning experience for all students.
Teaching Resources for Instructors in the Program in Biology
Course Development
Syllabus Checklist
Course syllabi are one of the first documents shared between an instructor and a student that sets expectations for the course experience. Does your syllabus have the required and recommended content from the Program in Biology and the Sheridan Center? Download an interactive checklist and find out.
View Checklist
“How-to” for Writing Course Learning Objectives
Research shows that courses that use specific and measurable learning objectives create transparency and foster an inclusive learning experience for all students. The Program in Biology aims to ensure all BIOL courses provide students with learning objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely - AKA “SMART” format. Are your objectives SMART? Download this infographic to find out!
View Infographic
Want to see examples of syllabi with "SMART-format" course objectives? We have a shared Google Drive folder with examples for you to review.
Teaching and Mentoring
Program in Biology Expectations for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs)
Teaching is a valuable learning and employment opportunity for our undergraduate students and a novel experience for many of them. Guidelines for hiring UTAs and clear expectations for when they are working lead to successful partnerships.
Want a refresher on UTA guidelines, or need assistance writing your UTA expectations? Download this template and resource guide to learn more.
View Template and Resource Guide
Publishing Educational Scholarship - Get that Paper!
Did you know that the innovative teaching and assessment methods you design for your courses can be published in peer-reviewed education journals? Publishing education research benefits the educational community at large as well as your own professional academic career. Peer reviewed journals may be in broad categories, such as STEM education or in more specific categories, such as Biochemistry education.
Learn how to share your ideas with the educational community (and add to your C/V!) by reviewing the Get That Paper guide and scheduling a consultation with one of us!
View Guide